The Foil & Specialty Effects Association (FSEA), in cooperation with PaperSpecs (an online platform developed to communicate easy to understand tips and tricks on print and paper technologies) has introduced the Foil Cheat Sheet – a single go-to source explaining the different techniques available for creating metallic foil finishes. From hot and cold foil to toner-based and varnish-based digital foiling, the guide describes each technique and provides the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Nothing livens up a print creation quite like the eye-catching shimmer of foil. Yet few designers or even printers and end-users realize all of the options available and when it is best to use which one. The Foil Cheat Sheet outlines all these options with this easy-to-understand guide. The coil bound collector’s item features a wraparound cover and interior pages that actually use some of the same foiling options discussed inside, as well as soft touch lamination and fabulous French folds. It even includes a fold-out table that summarizes the process, colors available, over printability, best paper stocks and suggested print runs.

The Foil Cheat Sheet also is available as a free download at

If you are interested in ordering a quantity of Foil Cheat Sheets click here for the online order form, or download a paper form. Quantities of Foil Cheat Sheets are available to FSEA members at a significant discount.